Solar Case Study

Electricity bill saving: from $598.31 down to $143.97.
Property type: Residential four bedroom single storey home
Installation type: Brand new solar power set up
Solar power output: 7.4kW
Installation cost: approximately $10,000
Install timeframe: 6 hours

4-bedroom home with 7.4kW solar power system installed in Medowie.jpg

Get a new solar power system installed

Our solar power installation company in Newcastle hears a lot of stories about home owners or businesses that have some type of solar system already set up, but don’t feel like it is working very well for them. Gus and Marlyn’s had been speaking to one of their relatives who had bought a system for their property. They had paid a lot of money for it, but aren’t even sure it if works very well as they still get really high electricity bills.

This can normally mean a couple of things;
a) The solar panel system they had installed did not have the capacity to cover their electricity needs. To keep costs down a lower capacity system may have been agreed to but it doesn’t have the ability to draw the power they need.
b) The solar panels or inverter may not be working correctly due to damage to the units, a cabling problem or some other issue that doesn’t enable the system to perform at its capacity.
c) Their electricity usage may have increased since the original system was installed & therefore what they have doesn’t cover their usage requirements. This can happen if a new pool pump is added, more lighting, more electrical appliances or even more people living at the property, therefore energy usage increases but the system can’t keep up with those demands.
d) Maybe they don’t understand how to interpret their solar power system’s capabilities. Solahart Newcastle provides a Smartphone App that lets you see exactly what the system is generating at any time of day.
e) Their solar panels may have become dirty and therefore were not able to produce as much energy compared to when they were clean. This is why it is important to get regular maintenance.

Gus & Maryln were getting pretty high electricity bills that were averaging $900 per quarter so they began researching solar power installation companies near them and wanted to choose a reputable company like Solahart. They wanted to make sure they didn’t experience the same problems as their relative did with their system.

So they decided to ask Solahart Newcastle to visit their home for a free onsite assessment to figure out what they needed in terms of solar panel capacity, inverter set up & what other upgrade options were available later on for their system. Solahart Newcastle provides this service for free to anyone in the Newcastle, Port Stephens, Lake Macquarie and Hunter region. 

What solar power system did we install in this home

Solahart Newcastle has a very precise way of assessing each home’s solar power requirements. While for some people they may find all the questions a bit overwhelming, it does make sure the right components are chosen to give you the solar energy that you require. In many cases this also provides the right set up that can be expanded later on if your needs change, this is particular important for growing families planning on having kids or maybe a business that is expanding.

For this 4 bedroom home it needed a fairly standard solar power set up to be installed on the roof of the single level structure. The recommendation was to install brand new solar panels and a new inverter together with new wiring.

To make sure Gus and Maryln knew the system was working we also recommended they set up the mySolarEdge Mobile App so they can see what the system is drawing or how much energy they are consuming at the touch of a button.

Liam recommended a 7.4KW solar power system to be installed which included;

SolarEdge single phase 6KW inverter
● 20 x Solahart Silhouette 370W solar panels

This solar power output is enough to run a 4 bedroom home in Medowie, based on several factors. This system size was quoted and installed for the customer based off the following process:

1. Review recent energy bills to determine actual kW usage and spending

2. Assess the property: 
– Is anyone at home during the day? – Yes
– Number of Household occupants – 2
– Electricity usage pattern – moderate or high day time user? Higher day-time Focus
– Seasonal usage pattern – more in summer or winter or equal? Summer and winter intensive
– Average electricity usage (kWh/Year) – 12,000kWh
– Current bill estimate (1 year) $2400

The installation was relatively straight forward as it was a single storey home with four bedrooms and a roof with a 25 degree pitch. One tricky aspect was we had to work around the ducted air conditioning system that was about eleven years old. It is possible to have a solar power system and air conditioning all installed in your roof.

Overall we took about 6 hours to complete this installation & within minutes they could see the solar energy being drawn via the app.

What can be added to this solar power system?

This solar power system can be upgraded/expanded further to suit the home owners energy needs. 

The upgrade options are available from Solahart Newcastle and include:

Is replacing your solar power system easy to do?

Solahart Newcastle can replace your old solar power system very easily. We can provide a free on-site assessment to help you learn about what will be required, the costs & how it can be done for you. We can then remove all the old solar power components and replace them with brand new items.

The review about our solar panel installation in Medowie?

Gus & Maryln had this to say when reviewing their experience with Solahart installing their new solar power system “Liam was exceptional. No hard sell. Just the facts which spoke for themselves Our first bill went from $598.31 to $143.97. Couldn’t be happier”
Gus & Marilyn Gallagher

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